Celebration of the Trees 


Celebrate the deep beauty of mid-winter with Living Tree Alliance as we gather to honor the holiday of Tu BiShvat, the birthday of the trees.

Due to a forecasted snowstorm, we will gather on Friday evening (instead of the originally scheduled date of Feb. 16) to build connections to each other and the trees.



We’ll gather at 4:30 p.m. for sledding down the big hill in the Living Tree field. At dusk (around 5 p.m.), we’ll offer two programs in the field:

  • Family outdoor tree celebration with games and observations
  • Adult Contemplative Sunset Tree Connection with prayer, song, and reflection

At 6 p.m., we’ll gather in the Common House for Shabbat candle lighting & tree poetry, followed by dinner and deepening our commitments as earth stewards as part of the birthday for the trees and mini Tu BiShvat seder.


A few more details

  • Be sure to dress warmly for outdoor activities from 4:30–6 p.m.
  • Bring sleds, skis, and snowshoes for outdoor fun on the property.
  • Soup, salad and challah will be provided for dinner. You are welcome to bring a vegetarian side dish to share.

Tu BiShvat falls approximately halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. As the trees become another year older, this holiday invites us to consider the ways we can live in reciprocity with Mother Nature.

Spend the weekend with us!

Private rooms (with shared bath) are available to rent for the weekend in our beautiful Common House, in the heart of our cohousing community. Enjoy the beauty of Vermont, ski, share in Shabbat with the residential community, and stay for the Tu B’shvat gathering.  

We’re grateful to our cosponsors: Jewish Communities of Vermont, Harold Grinspoon Foundation, and PJ Library.